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Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Baseball Fever

In recent years I have become a baseball fan. I once thought baseball was a painfully slow game. I could never understand how people could watch it on television. I understood even less how people, like my father, could listen to it on the radio. (I still can’t do that!) When I first moved to Chicago, I lived on the north side and worked among “yuppies”—most of whom lived on the north side or in the northern suburbs. In order words, I became a Cubs fan. I grew in the Philadelphia area, so I also maintain an allegiance to the Phillies. And, a couple of years ago when the Tigers got hot and made it to the World Series after being pathetic for so long, I developed a soft spot for the Tigers. So, basically I am a baseball fan.

This year Chicago is crazy with baseball fever. For the past several weeks, both the Cubs and the White Sox are in first place in their divisions. And the cubs were first place in the league for a few weeks. Talk of an all-Chicago World Series is running rampant. Baseball fever!!!

What a great time for a baseball-themed birthday party!


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