Father's Day
For Father’s Day I bought Harold and Isaiah a father/son cooking class at A Kids Kitchen. I thought this would be a great gift because Isaiah loves A Kids Kitchen and always enjoys helping me out in the kitchen. The class is perfect for Harold because they will be making Harold’s favorite food: RIBS!!!! I must say that Harold is indeed a wonderful Dad. He spends a great deal of time with Isaiah, doing everything from driving Isaiah to his various activities, helping him with his math homework, taking him to get a haircut, taking him to the water park, taking him to Panera Bread or California Pizza Kitchen (Isaiah’s favorite restaurants), or taking him a doctor appointments. I often come home and find Harold reading a book to him or snuggled up together watching Sponge Bob or a movie. Happy Father’s Day Harold and to all Fathers!! Labels: african american children's party, birthday party, chef, cooking party, father's day
The official beginning of summer will be here in a few days. What does that mean? For our family it means lots of time at the pool. It means lots of time grilling.  It means picnicking, the beach, enjoying fireworks, catching fireflies. What are you doing this summer?
For most graduation season has come and gone. However, I was going through some old photographs a few days ago and came across this photo from Isaiah’s preschool graduation a few years ago. So I decided to post it. When recalling that event I remember being so excited that my little boy was reaching this milestone. He was just 4 years old. My mother and sister flew in from Ne Jersey and California for the event. Harold had a Kente graduation stole  made for Isaiah to commemorate the event. This was a BIG deal for us. Just last week I was listening to a radio personality mention that he did not understand the point of celebrating preschool graduation or 8th grade graduation. He stated that finishing preschool is not such a big feat. Well I believe in celebrating in one way or another every accomplishment in life, no matter how big or small. During Isaiah’s graduation, there were tears in all of our eyes. In all our minds we recalled Isaiah’s early entry into this world. He was born almost 2 ½ months early and weighed only 1 pound 14 ounces. He was in the hospital for 57 days. In our minds, as we listened to Isaiah sing the various songs the kids were taught for the event, we recalled that Isaiah had a severe speech delay. He first was taught to communicate via sign language. After intense speech therapy, he finally learned to speak. Isaiah’s speech therapist, Karen, was at the ceremony with tears in her eyes. This year, several clients requested invitations that could be used for preschool or kindergarten graduation invitations or graduation party invitations. So I created a Kids Graduation design. I also have invitations for older grads—8th grade, high school, college, graduate school, etc. Labels: african american children's party, children's party, graduation, kids
A great day in Golf History
For most the notable golf sports story of today is all about Tiger Woods… and a little about Rocco Mediate. For Tiger: Three U.S. Open titles. Fourteen major wins. For Rocco: Number 158 hung in there with Tiger. Both great stories. But for me, the notable golf story of the day is that today was my son, Isaiah’s, first day at Golf Camp. Isaiah has been telling us for a couple of years that he wanted to learn how to play golf. I have no idea how he came to this conclusion. We live near several golf courses, but we have never played golf. The closest we have come to playing golf is playing mini golf a few times. So this year we decided to register Isaiah for 2 weeks of golf camp. The first camp, Golf for Christ Clinic, is through our church, DuPage AME Church. Isaiah was very excited when he returned home from is morning of golfing: he had hit the ball into the hole!  Isaiah’s interests have always been a huge inspiration for me in developing new illustrations for invitations, notecards and other stationery. Being only mildly creative, I initially created designs featuring basketball, baseball and football. Isaiah caused me to think a little bit out of the box. I have since added bowling, wall climbing and golf themed stationery. The golf guy design is available with several different custom options. Labels: children's party, golf, note cards, stationery
Customize your cards!
 I have been working on providing an expanded selection of custom options for many of my products. I have always given clients the option of adding their own wording and selecting fonts. From time to time, clients have requested additional customization such as changes in the skin tone or hairstyle. I usually will make such adjustments as I love making my clients happy!!! These projects have been lots of fun, but have also been quite time-consuming. So I decided to develop a large selection of options including options for skin tone, hair style, clothing and accessories. Different designs will have different options. A few products and designs will not have expanded customization options, but the vast majority will. Check out our new custom options. I will be adding additional options over the next several weeks. Labels: children's party, invitations, note cards, stationery